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Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun Li

A lot of quite big stars in this one, but they were probably just looking for a pay-check.
It had the overall feeling of a sci-fi channel movie rather than a hollywood production, so I'm not suprised it never got a big-screen release.

If you're a fan of the street-fighter series, or even know anything at all about the history behind the characters, forget it. This bears no resemblance to any of it.

It has characters named Chun-Li, Balrogg, Bison, Vega etc... And Vega wears a mask and has claw-blades. That's it. If they'd simply not made this a street-fighter movie it probably would have done better.

It was the usual chop-socky-bollocks, which isn't always a bad thing, but it made a cheap movie even cheaper by trying to make itself out to be something it wasn't

The acting wasn't terrible, the kung-fu wasn't crouching tiger, but it wasn't laurel and hardy either, the storyline was predictable and obvious.

Overall 4/10

If you're a fan of bad movies, or chop-socky-bollocks, give it a go. If your a fan of street-fighter. Avoid like the plague.

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