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Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Street Fighter - The Legend of Chun Li

A lot of quite big stars in this one, but they were probably just looking for a pay-check.
It had the overall feeling of a sci-fi channel movie rather than a hollywood production, so I'm not suprised it never got a big-screen release.

If you're a fan of the street-fighter series, or even know anything at all about the history behind the characters, forget it. This bears no resemblance to any of it.

It has characters named Chun-Li, Balrogg, Bison, Vega etc... And Vega wears a mask and has claw-blades. That's it. If they'd simply not made this a street-fighter movie it probably would have done better.

It was the usual chop-socky-bollocks, which isn't always a bad thing, but it made a cheap movie even cheaper by trying to make itself out to be something it wasn't

The acting wasn't terrible, the kung-fu wasn't crouching tiger, but it wasn't laurel and hardy either, the storyline was predictable and obvious.

Overall 4/10

If you're a fan of bad movies, or chop-socky-bollocks, give it a go. If your a fan of street-fighter. Avoid like the plague.


Vampires... You gotta love 'em.

Personally I'm a big fan of the whole Vampire genre, so was quite lookign forward to this one. Although expected it to be a bit teen-soppy from what I'd heard.
And it was.

Although it changes some of the rules on Vampires in potentially interesting ways, it never really pushes anything. And I got the feeling the film was really just a tester to see if this series will translate to the screen.

Essentially, it's just a love story, with a little Vampire action thrown in for good measure. It wasn't the worst film to watch, but I found myself playing WarCrack while watching it, and glancing at the screen occasionally, realising I hadn't missed much.

It's not a horrible film, but in my opinion it was like watching the longest intro to a film ever.
When the film finally got going it was all over within about 15 minutes. Maybe in the sequel they'll do away with all the explanation stuff and get more into the interesting angles of the series (I've never read the books by the way).

Overall 6.8/10

Not terrible, and the series has potential, but took too long to get going. I'd still suggest you watch it.


Nicholas Cage playing his usual quirky sort of character runs around DaVinci style trying to unravel a mystery.

When I first saw the adverts for this at the cinema, I really fancied the film. It looked like a DaVinci code type (but not like the National Treasure ones he'd already done) and a bit darker and grittier.

The advert promised a special code that could predict the future, but if you did know what was going to happen, would you really want to, and what would you do about it?

Well this was one of those films where the ads are sort of misleading... which isn't always a bad thing, and this is one of those times.

Despite me assuming I knew what to expect, the film takes twists and turns which take it down a completely different path, and turn it into something completely different.

I don't want to give too much away, because half the fun was the unexpected.
By about half way through the film you'll have an idea what's coming, but it's still edgy enough to keep you watching.

Overall 8/10

Not a masterpiece, and not the 6th sense, but holds it's own.

Night at the Museum 2

Short and sweet post this time.

It was good. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one. If you didn't like the first one or have never seen it, avoid this like the plague, it's more of the same and assumes you know all about what's going on.

My son loved it, my fiance thought it was funny enough to keep her entertained for a couple of hours (which is something of an achievement in itself) and I laughed in all the places it expected me to.

Overall 7.5/10

It isn't earth shattering, but it's not meant to be.