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Thursday, 23 April 2009

The Uninvited

This movie can be summed up in just a few words... Obvious, Boring, and non-scary.

On the face of this film, it appears to be a ghost story, but it's soon apparent that it's not at all.
The actors all played their roles pretty well, but the story just didn't seem that strong.
I think this was one of the re-makes of those Japanese horrors, and either it just didn't translate very well (which I don't think was the case) or it just wasn't very good to begin with.

If your other half is a bit of a scaredy-cat and likes to hide behind the cushions at scary movies, this would probably be a good compromise, but only when it comes out on DVD. Definitely not worth paying good money to go to the cinema for.

As with all films of this kind, there's always a plot twist or two, but I was screaming them at the TV before they even happened.
It's worth a watch if you're really bored, or get a hard-on for these types of re-makes. But in my opinion:


-- Smyth --

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