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Monday 20 July 2009

Harry Potter: And the Half Blood Prince

Can't really fault this one. The film is good, in the sense that the Godfather Part II was good.
It was interesting, and it answers some of the questions from previous films, it's got the nice special effects, the storyline isn't too bad at ll, the acting is first rate... But by the end of it, you can't help thinking "Was that it?".

People have been saying it's a 'filler' movie to connect the plot and start the ball rolling for the next and final part of the franchise. They're right.

It's worth seeing, it's good fun, but don't expect a masterpiece from this one.



What can I say... Sacha Baron Cohen at his best.

You obviously can't help but compare it to Borat, but it's definitely in the same sort of league.

Whereas Borat showed up other peoples problems, by pretending to be an innocent and curious bystander, Bruno goes completely the opposite way, just to try and see how much people will really put up with.

It's like Borat, but nothing like Borat... If that makes any sense.

It's a short and sweet review because I don't want to give any of the good stuff away, and even if I tried, I don't think the written descriptions would do justice to the film.

It's unbelievable what some of those pushy parents will do for a bit of fame for their kids.
